Women Working The Well:

Educators As Healers

Our Collective Journey of Insight

Giri So-Education as Spirit Work

Discussion and journeying around the Twi system of education (Nsaka Sunsum means Touch the Spirit) with an emphasis on pedagogy

Emphasis on Methodology of tapping into the genius of African people ( youth and adults)

Bolo So-Educator as Healer

Discussion and journeying around our woundedness & healing centered engagement with an emphasis on program/curriculum development

Emphasis on Healing Ritual Work

Book Study

Our Study of Ancestral Wisdom

For reading and discussing Fugitive Pedagogy, since we are reading it in 3 parts:

Chapters 1-2:

January Sister Circle

Chapters 3-4:

March Sister Circle

Chapters 5-6:

May Sister Circle

SEIC Southern Regional Retreat

Sister's Working Page